Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023

September 20, 2023 | News & Announcements

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month! The month was originally created through a collaboration with the National Cyber Security Alliance and the Department of Homeland Security. Feel free to check out the events and resources listed below.


Data Disposal Day (10/25, 8am – 12pm)

Security Now Host: Steve Gibson – Porosity: Why Cybersecurity Remains Elusive (10/26 @ 2pm)

Description: The benefits to society from secure and trustworthy computing systems are obvious and many. But despite decades of monumental investment toward in this obvious goal, cybersecurity remains elusive with damages ranging from individual users to international corporations. With the causes of each failure clear in retrospect, why do we seem unable to get ahead of them? Steve is going to share and layout his concept of “security porosity”.

Steve Gibson is the founder & CEO of Gibson Research Corporation, located in Southern California. Since 1988, all of the bills have been paid by the sales of Steve’s long-standing mass storage maintenance and data recovery utility: SpinRite. GRC’s website mostly reflects Steve’s life-long passion for all-things-technology including Internet Security. He began programming early computers in 1970, at the age of 15, and he never stopped. Steve believes in “old School” computing, and, yes, misses working with computers having 16 Kbytes of memory. So today, because he lives to code, even though it’s a bit nuts, he still writes all of his programs in 100% pure assembly language. Listeners to his weekly Security Now podcast often comment that they can hear his love and enthusiasm for technology in his voice. It’s the real deal.

Cybersecurity Starbucks Drink (10/1 – 10/31)

The featured UCI Cybersecurity Awareness Month Starbucks drink, the “Java Chip Securi-ccino”, will be available at all three Starbucks locations on Campus during the month of October.

Security Quiz Raffle (10/1 – 10/31)

Complete the security quiz and be entered into a drawing for one of three $25 Amazon gift cards! Winners will be picked at random at the end of the October and contacted through email. Participants must input a UCI email address and can only enter in once. You do not have to get all the questions right in order to participate in the drawing and you must be UCI-affiliated to win.

Security Topics

Multi-Factor Authentication

Use Multi-factor (Two-factor) authentication for your online accounts. This method uses two or more factors for authentication and includes but is not limited to: Something You Have, Something You Know, and Something You Are.

Password Security

Create a long and different password for each online account with a minimum of 12 characters. Use a mixture of different sets of characters and use a password management tool to help store passwords.

Phishing/E-mail Scams

Look out for phishing/email scams asking for your information. Some senders may masquerade as someone you know or a legitimate organization. Their aim may be to acquire personal or financial information among other items. If you believe the email to be a scam and have not replied, ignore the email. If you have replied, cease all further contact with the sender. 


Be sure to automatically backup your data and apply the latest security patches. Doing so will keep your software current and helps to address security vulnerabilities.

AI Phone Scams

Be wary of voice phone scams. Scammers are now using AI to trick people into thinking that the person who is calling is in trouble and is in a state of emergency. They often times ask for assistance through monetary means (e.g. money, crypto, gift cards, etc.) and is in a state of urgency. If you suspect the call to be a scam, hang-up and call the actual person to ask them to verify their situation.

Zoom Backgrounds

Security Media List




Fraudulent bank accounts hit UCI community

Sent on 8/30/2023 to All Campus Employees and Students by the Office of Data and Information Technology UCI Information Security reports “a new wave of fraudulent activity” tied to Chime and Go2Bank. Unauthorized accounts have been opened using UCI members’ personal...

Chime and Go2Bank Fraudulent Activity

We have seen a new wave of fraudulent activity related to UCI members coming from Chime and Go2Bank. This includes accounts being opened using a UCI member's personal information by unauthorized individuals, and getting notified of that via their UCI email, personal...

News & Announcements

DMARC Email Security Compliance

Major email providers have announced that they have started enforcing DMARC/DKIM/SPF email security standards in order to send email to them. What that means to us is that external email providers will increasingly block or mark as spam email coming from UCI unless...

Data Disposal Day – October 25, 2023

Date: Wednesday, October 25, 2023 Time: 8:00 AM- 12:00 PM (or until truck hits full capacity) Location: Parking Lot 12A near the Natural Sciences buildings Each of us is responsible for the security of information assets with which we work. Properly...